2015 In Review

Well, it’s officially 2016.

Thank God.

So let’s look back and remember what was great, what sucked, and how we can grow.

What have you accomplished in 2015? How is 2016 shaping up for you?

I’ll go first. Let’s see.

2015 bit me in the ass. Hard. But looking back, I accomplished an incredible amount. So much changed, and I grew so much as a person.

IN 2015, I…

  • Moved across the country (2,887 miles from MD to WA)
  • Bought a house
  • Tackled a mold crisis that threatened my and my family’s health. Twice.
  • Changed my eating habits to Paleo
  • …and then switched to Vegan, and am loving it so far
  • Shed the people in my life who didn’t respect me or my time
  • Discovered amazing new friends who have the most amazing souls
  • Overcame a spiritual crisis thanks to my amazing new friends.
  • Clarified my “mountain” – the ultimate next goal and how to get there. It’s a doozy, and I am thrilled to make it real.

I continue to be grateful for…

  • The readers and writers who make my career a joy and blessing. You are gifts to the world, and I love you.
  • My blessed life as a full time writer
  • My amazing husband, who is both my best friend and business associate
  • My family, who loves and supports me through everything
  • One of my best friends in the world, who’s been with me for 7 years
  • My creativity, ambition, and vision for the future

My plans for 2016 are to…

  • Publish 4 novels
  • Learn how to grow + expand my business financially while having fun with the process (take some of the pressure off it!)
  • Learn every day. Take classes every day.
  • Read every day.
  • Launch one amazing new product (I already have 3 in the works, so… gotta pick!)

Your turn

In the comments below, talk to me. What have you accomplished in 2015? How is 2016 shaping up for you?

I’ll read every comment. Look forward to hearing about your year and what’s to come.