
Some of my adventures are outside the realm of fantasy or have been retired. Here are some of my other projects you might want to check out.

A Life For Sale


“A Life For Sale” is a dark and moving poem about a woman with a final, mournful wish for the living, told through the guise of an estate sale. A special link to a recording of the author reading this poem is available in the back of this short eBook.

From the author:

“This piece came to me out of nowhere while I was in the middle of preparing for a cross-country move. I sat down with a powerful sense of sorrow I couldn’t shake, and a poem (of all things!) formed on the pages.

“Between you and me, it’s the only poem I’ve written and actually liked (and I’ve written quite a few that will never see the light of day). It’s a fun side-project. Poems aren’t something I will release very often, or maybe ever again, but I hope you connect with this glimpse into another side of my writing. Enjoy.”

A Life for Sale

Savage Souls

Runes Universe

There are two things 18-year-old Cadence Murphy is proud of: she is an amazing Witch with the healing magic of nature, and she can run a five-minute mile. There’s just one tiny problem: an ancient darkness in her blood is messing with her healing abilities.

When some very powerful, cruel men want to destroy her for it, she must tempt fate itself to stop them.

Dishonorably discharged from the marines, 20-year-old Drew Richards uses his deadly skills to neutralize criminals and lowlifes… for a fee. So when a wealthy businessman offers half a million to kill some girl, Drew is more than willing—until he sees her, and his priorities change.

But the Norns, weavers of fate, have decided Drew is destined to kill Cadence. Can he resist his destiny? Suspenseful, romantic, and rich with chilling magic, Savage Souls captures the essence of forbidden love—and the consequences that come with it.

Website Cover Mockup


To Each His Ghost #0

A Ghostly Paranormal Horror Short Story

Mel has a curse: she can see what’s invisible to most humans. We call them ghosts and demons. She calls them living nightmares.

When she was five, she had her own ghost. A good ghost. She swore to never leave his side, but over time, he scared her. She pushed him away. She broke her promise.

Now well into her twenties, Mel meets her old ghost again. And this time, he’s brought the darkness with him to prove his point…

…you don’t break a promise with a ghost.

To Each his Ghost - Origins


To Each His Ghost #1

A Ghostly Paranormal Horror Novel

The moment Ari Bowers stepped inside the abandoned farmhouse on the outskirts of White Haven, Pennsylvania, she wanted to hightail it out of there like the ghost-fearing girl she was. Instead, she let her crush, Marcus Wagner, lead her into the shadows.


As she predicted, they ran out screaming. But something followed her home.

Since that night, Ari is haunted by something she can’t see. It watches her when she sleeps. It caresses her in the shower. It carves words into her skin and lives alongside her, never satisfied with her terror. It always wants more, and Ari begins to fear it will take her and her date back to the farmhouse… forever.

For Ari and Marcus, it’s not a matter of whether or not monsters are real; It’s a life-or-death race to figure out which one is out to drag their souls to hell.

To Each his Ghost - Ari